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Junior Advisement


Beginning October 21, 2024 all MHS Counselors will begin meeting with Juniors to discuss academic progress and post-secondary planning. You will receive a postcard in the mail with the time and date of your scheduled appointment.

SAVE YOUR POSTCARD - it will serve as your pass to the counseling office for your appointment. We also plan to send a second copy directly to your student in the building with the appointment time prior to the meeting.

If you have any issues with your scheduled appointment time, be sure to reach out to your student's assigned counselor at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time.

​Important Reminders

1. Student attendance is MANDATORY, parent attendance is OPTIONAL and must be virtual. If a parent wants to attend, we will send them a TEAMS link. Let your assigned counselor know at least 24 hours in advance if a parent needs a virtual meeting link to join. 

2. Be on time! Most counselors have multiple advisement meetings back-to-back. If you are more than 5 minutes late, you may be asked to reschedule your meeting.

2024-2025 Junior Meeting Materials

In your meeting, your counselor will provide a folder that includes a copy of your transcript, your Graduation Status Report (track sheet), and additional post-secondary planning materials. Below are digital copies of some of the materials you will receive:

Graduating Status Report (prefilled Math)

Graduation Status Report (without prefilled Math)

How to Access HOPE GPA

Post-Secondary Exploration Guide

24-25 Paying for College

24-25 Milton Rigor Course List

24-25 FAFSA Checklist

24-25 HOPE/Zell Program Flyer

24-25 Dual Enrollment Flyer

24-25 NCAA Guide for College-Bound Athletes

24-25 SAT/ACT Dates

24-25 GaFutures College and Career Guide 

GPA Cheat Sheet

View upcoming webinars from Peachtree College Planning and The Princeton Review HERE!