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Counselors register students for FVS courses in VECTOR. Students who want GAVS courses must go in and request the courses first, then the counselor can approve those requests.

  • A courses = Semester 1 (Fall)
  • B courses = Semester 2 (Spring)
  • AB courses = Yearlong Course (Fall+Spring combined content in one semester, requires 2 periods of the schedule)

The deadline to request an online course for the 2024-2025 SY was April 12, 2024. The next opportunity to add online courses to your Milton schedule will be during course verification from February-April 2025 for the 2025-2026 SY.

Fulton Virtual School (FVS)

Online courses have specific beginning and ending dates which align with the school calendar and curriculum. Courses have a specific syllabus the student needs to follow and LOG IN to work every day. Course is self-paced. The virtual teacher monitors and evaluates the student’s classwork remotely and provides support upon student request.

  • Cost: FREE if it is in your Milton school day schedule

    • $225 per 0.5 credit course if outside of Milton schedule

    • $180 per 0.5 credit for students who are free/reduced lunch eligible

  • Counselors register students for their FVS courses in VECTOR

  • View the course catalog HERE

Georgia Virtual School (GAVS)

Online courses have specific beginning and ending dates which align with the school calendar and curriculum. Course has weekly deadlines. Class has a specific syllabus the student needs to follow and LOG IN to work every day. The virtual teacher monitors and evaluates the student’s classwork remotely and provides support upon student request.

  • Cost: FREE if it is in your Milton school day schedule

    • $250 per 0.5 credit course if outside of Milton schedule

    • Students have to register for GAVS courses in the portal, then the counselor can approve/deny

  • View the course catalog HERE